DIY Plushie Bear

My prototype, a bear plushie!
Never did I have imagined I could ever make a bear successfully with my hands, frankly, I can still remember clearly how my first diy 'doll' (hopefully it is) looked like when I tried to make one at around 6 years old or maybe younger. A mixture of unmatched scraps, done with jagged lines of hand sewn stitches, holding the pieces together to look like one. A stick I picked up from somewhere hardly hold the head to the body to avoid it from dropping. Little did I know about proper sewing, all I wanted was to own a doll, and that was how I started DIYing my way till this age. It's amazing, when you really want something you'll do something about it.
And when a customer's request got in a few months back, I started asking myself why can't I do it, maybe it's time for me to make a doll/bear again... I went to the library to research on the making of bears, studied the steps and take note on the materials used, searched for tutorials on the web. I did ended up with several failed attempts, at which the joinings doesn't meet after sewing was done, or the edges of the fabric frayed after stretching during the stuffings etc..
Afterall, it just need one successful attempt to put all the trial and error an experience worth going through. My first bear was born, thereafter followed by two rabbits, another funny looking bear and many more to come along...