DIY Cupcake Stand
Look what I found browsing through my albums? A simple cupcake stand I made for my nephew for his full month celebration! He's 6 years old now my goodness!
Nevertheless, this will give you a reason to keep those cake board the next time you have a birthday cake, lol.
You can make use of 4 recycled cake boards, all different sizes for this project. 3 commercial toilet paper roll were used with some aluminium foil to wrap them. Hot glue them together, layer by layer. You can add some decoration to dress it up for that special occasion. And hey, you have saved a hundred bucks with this DIY cupcake stand!
Nevertheless, this will give you a reason to keep those cake board the next time you have a birthday cake, lol.
You can make use of 4 recycled cake boards, all different sizes for this project. 3 commercial toilet paper roll were used with some aluminium foil to wrap them. Hot glue them together, layer by layer. You can add some decoration to dress it up for that special occasion. And hey, you have saved a hundred bucks with this DIY cupcake stand!
