Valentine's Day Business Apportunity

I started looking for business ideas for the kids to do on Valentine's Day weeks before hand. Of course, the first thing I checked on were fresh flowers roses. But after calculating the cost, the hot weather, the wastage that might incurred and so many people who're doing the same thing, I gave up on selling fresh flowers.

And during one of my sleepless night, this idea flash up!

It's a balloon sculpture flower bouquet! Made from colourful balloons into flower stalks and then wrapped up like a hand bouquet. The cost, the weather and the wastage, all will be reduced and most importantly the idea is different. As for the marketing part, I understand how much children wished to be like a boss doing business, I brought in my niece and my son to give them that opportunity.

With the help of my two sisters, the production started in the morning of Valentine's Eve. And in the evening, my two little sales person were at Orchard Takashimaya selling the bouquets. Yah, you're not wrong they were there! But it's on the street near the water fountain!

Here and there you can see passerby selling flowers. But I think minority made profit. For me, besides the fulfilment to see my ideas turned into reality, it is an opportunity for the children to learn. So as you can see they were on the street alone, I and my sis were at the far side to protect & guide them when in need.

As we watched them throughout that two evening, we were satisfied and relieved. They're terrific! We could see they really strived hard to do the selling despite the street selling method. They approached and tackled almost every passerby with their confident. Their young spirit did not shy away from the crowd. Keep it up, children! Well done, you've proved us you are genius!


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